Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Balloon-less Fiesta

Alright, here is the shortest blog post ever.  We went to the Saga Balloon Fiesta, but it wasn’t very balloony, or fiesta-y.  However, I did manage to get a couple photos, so here they are.

I would first like to note that we went to this “fiesta” on November 3rd.  It was so horrendously hot we pretty much stayed under a giant tent the entire time.  It had to be upwards of 35C in the sun.  It was unbearable.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Remember, we went on NOVEMBER 3rd.  I cannot stand much more heat in this country.  Oh, what’s that you say?  I should be thankful?  Well, I’m not.  Deal with it.  We had such a hot humid summer at home, and I’m still getting one!  I am really ready for some cool air to flow on through.  /end rant

Anyway, on with the lacklustre photos…

Upon entering the festival grounds we passed this lovely balloon artwork.  Who knew it would be the only balloons I would see that day…sigh.


Look at how inviting it is.  Really gets you in the mood for hot air balloons.


There were quite a few different stands with lots of yummy food and souvenirs.  This one was one of my favourites.  He really wants you to eat whatever he’s selling, gosh.


I took this for the toast-face mask.  This guy seems to pop up all over, and you can purchase him in many forms.  Mask, pen, notebook, etc.  I debated buying this and dressing up as Powdered Toast Man for Halloween.  No one seemed to know who that was though… boo.


Yet again, being the creeper that I am.  The cutest little girl in the entire country of Japan just happened to be at the fiesta.  What a coincidence.


And finally…I was too slow to get the front view, but this fellow was dressed as some sort of fun creature-y or robot-y type thing.  I didn’t see anyone else dressed up as anything in particular so I’m not quite sure what he was going for, but hey, it’s Japan…it just seems slightly more acceptable to walk around in a robot costume, right?


So did you like all the hot air balloons?  I know I did!  Bitterness aside, it was a neat festival and had the balloon competition actually gone on, it would have been even better.  I think the horrifically hot weather was really the worst part of the day.  But!  We all managed to make it home in one not-too-sunburned piece and survived another day.  Go team!

To counter this sad entry I have a bazillion great photos to post from our trip to the sumo practice stable and the Dazaifu shrine.  Let’s hope it doesn’t take me six weeks to upload them.

Keep in touch folks, and stay cool.  Okay, now I’m rubbing it in a little….



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